Our top training candidates are driven, open, and passionate— read through our list of Frequently Asked Questions to see if we’re a good fit for each other!

You meet the training requirements if…

  • You’ve practiced your chosen training modality/program(s) for at least 6 months.

  • You have a solid knowledge of and passion for the modality/program(s) you're applying for.

  • Your positive attitude and willingness to communicate and collaborate with others are clear.

  • You’re eager to learn and open to new ways of doing things.

  • You’re excited to work with others, hold yourself accountable, and welcome feedback.

  • You can effectively communicate the limitations of your own body.

  • You’re curious and want to learn more about public speaking and interacting with different personality types.

What type of certifications do I receive when I complete a U Institute training program and how can I use it?

Upon completion, you’ll receive:

  • Certificates of Completion for Strong By the Bell (Kettlebell), Really Good Strength Coaching, and H.E.A.T.— certify your understanding of the components and teaching methods for each hour-long class format and qualify you to teach them at any of The Union’s three locations

  • Certificate of Completion for Yoga Reset— earns you 30 hours of continuing education through Yoga Alliance (YA).

  • Certificate of Completion for 26 & 2 Bikram 90— fulfills Yoga Alliance requirements for a 300-hour Registered Yoga Teaching Certificate and qualifies you for OHYA certification.

What does the training curriculum consist of?

Our curriculum is tailored to each of our five modalities and includes:

  • Class Sequencing and Points of Performance

  • Independent Posture/Movement Research

  • Lineage and Breakdown of Postures and Exercises

  • Anatomy of Body Systems and Mechanics

  • Business of Teaching Fitness/Yoga

  • Effective Client Motivation and Engagement Strategies

  • Teaching Methodologies and Tools

  • Personal Development and Leadership Skills

  • Online Coursework

Do I need to already have participated in a teacher training to do this program?

Nope! We’d love to be your first, so don’t let the nerves get to you. ;)

Are payment plans available?

While we do not offer payment plans for our Teacher Training programs, we’re committed to providing yearly training scholarships for various modalities.

 Curious to learn more about scholarships? Ask your questions HERE!

What happens if I don’t complete the program?

Trainees who don’t complete all the requirements for our Teacher Training programs will receive a Certificate of Participation instead of a Certificate of Completion. Learn more about our Two Paths HERE!

What is the application process like?

Here’s how it works:

  1. Complete and submit your application online—start yours HERE!

  2. Book a 30-minute interview with our team.

  3. Receive your acceptance letter.

  4. Pay your tuition.

Full payment is due 45 days before the program starts. Payment plans are not available, and all payments are non-refundable.

Where is the training located?

Our training sessions are held at three local Union Fitness & Fun locations in San Antonio, Texas. Each modality/program is assigned a specific location:

  • Park Oaks
    16620 San Pedro Ave Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78232

  • Alamo Heights
    7959 Broadway Ste 106, San Antonio, TX 78209

  • Huebner
    11255 Huebner Rd Ste 202, San Antonio, TX 78230

Curious where you’ll be training? View our 2025 Training Modality Descriptions & Details HERE!


Truth over comfort.

Truth over comfort.